Weymouth Gateway Project
Mercery Road Regeneration: Phase 2
The Chamber of Commerce Executive are supporting this development and the developers have provided a short questionnaire for members and the public. Live: until 5pm 23 December 2020

The proposals in brief
LondonMetric Property and Avercet have been working hard to deliver a regeneration project at Weymouth Gateway worth tens-of-millions of pounds and possibly hundreds of jobs. From their website https://www.jobsforweymouth.com/ they state:
“In Phase 1, we brought you Aldi on the west of Mercery Rd (which opened in September 2020) and are in the process of securing permission to extend Medisave House adjacent to it. Combined, these represent c.60 jobs.
The Phase 2 site – on land east of Mercery Rd – is designated in the Local Plan for B Class use (light industrial/storage/distribution/office employment.) However, it has secured no interest by such occupiers despite regular marketing over the last 10 years!
In contrast there has been strong interest from retailers, which would enable us to create c.280 more year-round jobs on this site, along with 50 construction jobs and a further 50 jobs through economic stimulation.
To realise this potential, we have submitted a planning application to Dorset Council for a retail-led scheme (ref. WP/19/00778/FUL). It comprises:
- 3 x retail units
- 2 x restaurants/coffee shops
Total floorspace (retail/restaurants): 10,243 sqm. Plus: - 1 x ‘oven-ready’ plot with access that would help fast-track a B Class
employer if one did come forward - 1 x plot set aside for ‘future development’
If planning permission is granted, we could generate the first jobs on the site by Christmas 2021.”