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Dorset Chamber Brexit Helpdesk Update from Ian Girling

Dorset Chamber Brexit Helpdesk Update from Ian Girling

“We’d like to update you about the Brexit support available for businesses in light of the unprecedented events and political uncertainty taking place in Westminster. At the time of writing, in a very fluid and unpredictable situation, Boris Johnson has lost the vote to prevent MPs from taking control of the Parliamentary timetable as he faces opposition in his plans to push through a no-deal Brexit by 31st October 2019.

As a non-partisan organisation, in the approach to the referendum, we, as most Chambers did, took a neutral political position. Since the referendum, and throughout the Brexit negotiations, we have strongly campaigned for the need for clarity and assurance for business. We share the incredible frustrations and concerns of our members regarding the impasse we have reached and the failure of Parliament to reach a deal more than three years after the referendum.

As one of 53 Chambers accredited with the British Chambers of Commerce, as well as lobbying at a local level, we have campaigned at the highest levels in Westminster and Whitehall. Nationally, the British Chambers of Commerce have had regular lobbying meetings with senior ministers, including the Prime Minister, and have also worked with other leading business organisations in putting the business voice forward. Locally we have had a strong profile in the press regarding our call for politicians to back business and reach a deal and held two conferences with high-level speakers. We’ve also undertaken regular business surveys and published the results. We have also written to the Prime Minister and copied this letter to all Dorset MPs (

We will continue to strongly lobby for clarity for businesses and the need for politicians to come together and reach an arrangement that is in the best interests of UK businesses and the future of our economy.

Dorset Chamber has published a series of guidance documents on our website ( that can be found under the ‘Brexit’ tab.

We are also delivering a number of workshops around international trade and Brexit (

We can also be contacted on 01202 714800 or with any questions.

We are also keen to hear the views of our members as part of our lobbying and as well as connections with Dorset MP’s, we have a clear communication route to the highest levels in Parliament through our British Chambers of Commerce accreditation. I can be contacted via or you can write to me here at Dorset Chamber.

We will keep you updated about further support as it becomes available and developments which may be of interest and assistance.”

Yours sincerely

Kind Regards

Ian Girling
Chief Executive

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Author: Dominique